Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Project plan

1. Introducing time
2. researching work - what national ornaments used in your country/culture/fashion November 2010
3. Where the national ornaments come from? (little historical story) December 2010
4. What the ornaments mean (folk story) - audio mp3 December 2010
5. Show the national ornaments by drawings (using different freeware programs like ArtRage etc), uploading pictures in our blog. January 2011
6. Video - children explain (senses) February 2011
7. Creative expressing - make an amateur ornament March 2011
8. Introduce - national ornaments in your national costumes (photo gallery in blog) April-May 2011
9. Create your own cup or T-shirt using national ornaments. April-May 2011
10.Exhibition of things made by students from different cultures.
11. Video meeting - demonstration T-shirts made using the national ornaments. Students could communicate and make a new friend using the national ornaments –
May-June 2011

Monday, October 11, 2010

eTwinning project

Project - find means of expression different cultures by ICT. Project would help to understand history of our progenitors. How they express their emotions, messages etc. hy they used exactly these ornaments and what these means. Get to know how national ornaments in connection with national costumes. Students widen the horizon about fashion, make creative handcraft (using different possibilities of ICT) and continue one's studies how ornaments used (stitching). Final-creative work of students to create their own cup or T-shirt used national ornements. Video-meeting to show different handcrafts works and to comminicate.

-to widen horizon about culture
- get to know about national ornaments
- get to know about history of ornaments
- continue studies of artand handcraft
- push the children have to origintive thinking and to express them by handcraft/art works
- to have communication skill - to develop foreign language skills

1. Introducing time 2. researching work - what national ornaments used in your country/culture/fashion 3. Where the national ornaments come from? (little historical story) 4. What the ornaments mean (folk story) - audio mp3 5. Show the national ornaments by drawings (using different freeware programs like ArtRage etc), uploading pictures in our blog. 6. Video - children explain (senses) 7. Creative expressing - make an amateur ornament 8. Introduce - national ornaments in your national costumes (photo gallery in blog) 9. Create your own cup or T-shirt using national ornaments. 10.Exhibition of things made by students from different cultures. 11. Video meeting - demonstration T-shirts made using the national ornaments. Students could communicate and make a new friend using the national ornaments